Never Give Up


Never Give Up

*Don’t give up on God. Do not give up on your dreams.*

Are you feeling lost and facing challenges? Thank God. These are the initiation rights, the growing pain that tell you that you’re on the right track.

The Enemy throws obstacles to trip you up, to snuff out your amazing dream in its *infancy*

If life were easy, you’ll be in the devil’s camp effortlessly receiving his empty gifts.


*UNEXPECTED CHALLENGES MARK TRUE PROGRESS.* Yet its crucial never to surrender. But listen closely, those challenges are God’s way of giving you strength. Equipping you for greatness ahead.


Don’t listen to the doubts or the negativity. The whispers in your head are the voices of naysayers.



People are looking to *YOU* for hope. You have the power to change the world with your passion and vision and God-given spark that burns brightly within you.


Keep chasing that dream fiercely. *REMEMBER WHERE YOU COME FROM* But use those experiences as stepping stones! *Not anchors*


YOU HAVE A PURPOSE OF LIGHT TO SHINE. People count on you. As long as you have breath chase those dreams with all your heart.


Work with every ounce of your being, like you’re building a legacy. Brick by brick because there’s greatness ahead of you.

*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury To The Glory Of Our Lord Jesus Christ".


*BELIEVE IN THE POWER IN YOU.* The power of God that lights your path and amplifies your voice. And soon you’ll see the positive impact you were meant to create. *THE CHANGE THE WORLD NEEDS*


You will witness the ripple effects of your courage and your faith. Keep faith in God. *YOUR IMPACT IS JUST ON THE HORIZON*



Some people called me *Crazy* … Others said I was *Insane* …. but I focused on those that called me *P.M.E* … And when they told me I couldn’t do it, I told them …
*”I HAVE DONE IT ALREADY”* .… hehehe


*Good* things come to who *Believe*
*Better* things come to those who are *Patient*
… but The *Best* Things come to those who *NEVER GIVE UP.*



*Have A Fabulous Day* 👌


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