WORSHIP: Season 1, Episode 15 Of -An Experience With Jesus


WORSHIP: Season 1, Episode 15 Of -An Experience With Jesus

The Lord wants your attention. In worship our gaze needs to be upon the master on the *Thrown*

During worship it is important to *CLOSE YOUR EYES.* To shutout distractions of the world and focus on him. So YOU CAN SEE HIM.


*Worship* is NOT a time to play with your Phone or Watch other people dancing or moving about. Learn to close your eyes and focus on God.


Jesus did NOT die to start a *Religion* …
A Religion is what we created out of his death!
He died for us to have a *Relationship* With *God* through Him…



The person who is *Scared* of God has something to hide …
That’s what Adam does in the Garden of Eden, he runs from the presence of God.


The Person who *Fears* God has nothing to hide. *He is terrified to be away from God*


He doesn’t say “how close can I get to the line of compromise and not fall in?” Instead he says “I’ll run so far away from that line you can’t even see it”.

So what is it to Fear God?

It’s to *Venerate* him! …

Venerate means to Honor, Respect, Esteem, Value, Reverence and stand in awe of him more than anything or anyone else.


_We firmly embrace his heart. We love what he loves and hate what he hates!_



When God looks for someone he can use he looks for someone on which he can place that mantle.


God DOES NOT look at your title, God does not look at how long you’ve been in church or been in ministry, God does not look at how much you think you know about prayer, or the word, or spiritual Warfare or Demonology.


When God begins to look around the earth for someone to use he doesn’t necessarily look in the places we treat with the highest esteem.


*WHEN GOD LOOKS FOR SOMEONE TO USE HE LOOKS IN THE PRAYER ROOM* The Power of the Holy Spirit is found in the presence of the Holy Spirit.


It is not by your might or power but by my Spirit says the Lord. Surrender to the Holy Spirit and let him use you to the Glory of our God Almighty.


*Pray Without Ceasing*
(1 Thessalonians 5:17) and surrender to the Holy Spirit daily.



An Experience With Jesus


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Enjoy Your Day


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