God Is Love | Season 1, Episode 24 Of -An Experience With Jesus

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God Is Love | Season 1, Episode 24 Of -An Experience With Jesus

God wakes us up in the midst of the storm to teach us a Lesson.

The Devil will attack you through people you think love you or are close to you such as family, friends, neighbours, coworkers etc


God removes people we love so we can learn to value love itself. ❤

He allows us to cry so hard, so that we can see clearly when we open our eyes.

He allows us to be bitter so that we can realise there is no genuine happiness if we think only of our needs and not others.


99% of the time God doesn’t give you what you want, the way you want it and in your own timing and that’s because *HE LOVES YOU!*

He will wreck your plans before they wreck you. So if you’re struggling to trust him, realise he’s allowing you to go through these storms to make you *MORE LIKE HIM!*


In any move of the Holy Spirit Jesus will always be the Center.

*Healing* CANNOT become the message …
*Deliverance* CANNOT become the message…
*Prosperity* CANNOT become the message …

The Message MUST remain centered and focused on *Jesus Christ*, Repentance/Salvation and The *Kingdom Of God* which is the *True Gospel.*


He is the *Foundation* . He is the absolute *Truth* .
He is the measure against which we put all things.


By him we understand and navigate the realm of the Spirit. It’s by his person that we are grounded in truth while pursuing supernatural moves of the Holy Spirit.


The moment you shift your focus from Jesus, *Who He Is,* _to *What He Does*_ *YOU’RE IN DANGER!*

Focus On Who He Is To You. Your Lord and Saviour I hope? Be Saved! Be Born Again! Seek first his Kingdom and Righteousness and let Prosperity be secondary.


Jesus is the fulfilment of the 10 Commandments NOT the Abolition.


God is the Light and we’re like mirrors that reflect the light.

In order to reflect his nature we must be facing his being.
(2 Corinthians 3:18).

So all of us who have had that veil of sin removed can see and reflect the Glory of the Lord and the Lord who is the spirit makes us more and more like him and we are changed into his glorious image.




As you focus on his face you begin to look like him. (John 14:9) Jesus told us that if we’ve seen him we’ve seen the Father. May it be said that when people see us they see Christ!


We are not the light, but we can reflect it.

We are not the source, but we can point to it.

We are not the Lord, but we can be like him.

May we be more like Jesus in all we think, do, and say.





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