Healthier, Wealthier & Wiser | Season 1, Episode 26 Of -An Experience With Jesus


Healthier, Wealthier & Wiser | Season 1, Episode 26 Of -An Experience With Jesus

*Do Only Good Things Happen To Good People? … NO.*


Do Christians have accidents?
Do Christians get cancer and other illnesses?
Are Christians ever fired from their jobs or unemployed?

The answer to all three questions is of course, YES.

New Christians may ask doesn’t the Bible promise that God will look out for and protect his followers? How can such bad things occur?


People puzzled by such questions often refer to Old Testament books, where God clearly promised success and protection to the israelites.


For the Israelites to receive these benefits, God asked only one thing in return: follow the covenant agreement first set forth in the book of Exodus.


The promises of Deuteronomy were given to a particular people, the Israelites. The formula was simple “Do Good, get blessed; do evil, get punished“.


But Christians of today cannot simply turn to those promises of Wealth and Prosperity and apply them directly. Rather, we must look in light of the new Covenant introduced by Jesus Christ and spelled out in the New Testament.


When Jesus came, he promised certain rewards for Christians, but he also predicted *Poverty, Rejection,* and even *Persecution*


Jesus disciples proved faithful to him yet most of them lived through *Poverty and Persecution* and died *Martyrs* deaths. For them, full rewards had to wait until heaven.


*God does NOT exempt his followers from every bad thing in life because Prosperity and Good Health may make it harder to depend on God.*

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The Israelites proved least faithful to God after they moved into the Prosperity of the promised land. In the desert, at least, they had been forced to lean on God just for Daily survival.



*Question* : When do you think most about God: When things are going well or when you’re in trouble?


Success has dangers of its own. When you reach the top, you may tend to slack off. Spiritual life can gradually deteriorate too.


The book of Malachi tried to awaken Israel from slackness in relating to God. Their faith had grown deeper through difficulties but faded afterwards.



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