Seeking Revenge

Glory be to God Almighty

Seeking Revenge

Seeking revenge is never necessary because God fights your battle in mysterious ways and mysterious times.


You never know when God is gonna start making someone payoff all the wrong they did to you. THEY NEVER KNOW EITHER. So *Forgive* and leave it to God. “Turn the other cheek.”


Focus on the word of God instead of them! When you get to know the Holy Spirit, you get passion for God. BECOME BORN AGAIN.


Without the Holy Spirit, the truth of the word of God *CAN NOT* be fully received. He gives you his wisdom that leads to your understanding.


*Is there any other way to get understanding without wisdom?* “MY PEOPLE PERISH BECAUSE OF LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.”


Without Forgiving others and Repenting of our pride, we CANNOT walk fully in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s time to Forgive!

Many people are going to church every Sunday instead of going to Jesus everyday confessing, repenting and striving to live Holy lives in Christ.


If you wrestle a pig, you’ll both get dirty, but the pig enjoyed it the whole time. Lol *DONT REPAY EVIL FOR EVIL. LEAVE THEM TO GOD. KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN* Shine Brightly


Witchcraft isn’t Spirits flying at night. Its the hate you habor against someone who has done nothing to you.

We as Christians are to forgive. This might be difficult to do, or you might think your situation is different, but the Scripture is clear.


If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father will forgive you. *Matthew 6:14*


Forgiveness is *NOT* an *Emotion its a Choice!* Sometimes it’s not just the offence you have to forgive but *the repeat memory of the offence.*


This is where you will need the help of the Holy Spirit. While it might not seem fair, we ought to forgive faster than they can apologise.


Don’t just do it for them, don’t just do it for yourself, *DO IT BECAUSE IT HONORS AND PLEASES YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER*


People always say *Motivation* doesn’t last long, so does *Bathing* ! That’s why we recommend it daily, hehehe … So visit the PME Blog daily via our websites for motivation and support in your Christian Journey.


*Tell a friend … to tell a friend … so they could Tell their friends*


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Glory be to God


 *Have A Fabulous Day*


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