Cults In Christianity | The Dangerous Version Of Jesus


Cults In Christianity | The Dangerous Version Of Jesus


Most of the time, our churches want to preach to you a Conservative Jesus. An Unrevolutionary Jesus. But today, I will be talking about the *Dangerous version of Jesus.*

I’m talking about the dangerous side of Jesus that got him killed. I’m talking about that side of Jesus that if you preach this accurately, they will hate, stone, or kill YOU!

I’m talking about that side of Jesus that if we allow him to grace our pulpits, many pastors would never invite him back because his message would contradict THE PASTOR’S PEACEFUL RETIREMENT AGENDA.

The Dangerous Jesus is the one in John 2:13-16 that would flip over tables because he believes they have turned the temple into a marketplace and a den of robbers.

These days, there’s more about *Church Brand* than *The Great Commission* in churches. Matthew 28:16-20.

Pastors are now acting as Celebrities and Stars instead of shining the light of God that should be present in a Born Again Christian and ministering as servants of the most high according to Mark 10:42-44.

They now care more about filling up their churches on sundays than directing people to Jesus Christ to begin a daily relationship led by the Holy Spirit. *Some churches even have comedy and comedians these days.*

Many pastors learnt the trade through pastoral school instead of being born again and learning through the Holy Spirit. This leads to a *Religious mindset and demonic spirits that try to imitate the presence of the Holy Spirit.*

WE ALL KNOW THERE’S ALOT OF MALPRACTICES IN OUR INSTITUTIONS THESE DAYS. Certificates mean nothing compared to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

They have theory without any practical. They do it as a Business instead of surrendering and being led by the Holy Spirit to save lives delivering the true gospel, not the Prosperity Gospel.

They preach *tithes and Offerings* instead of *Repentance, Holiness and Righteousness* in Christ, becoming Born Again and receiving the Holy Spirit.


*How Can They Preach Repentance When They Themselves Are NOT Born Again?*

They must first remove the log in their own eyes so that they can see clearly to help remove the speck in the eyes of their members.

The fruits of the Spirit and character of our Lord Jesus Christ are the greatest signs of a saved believer, not the Miracles, Signs, and Wonders.

Jesus never said follow the signs and wonders. He said the signs and wonders will follow those that walk in his name. In the name of Jesus.

There’s power in the name of Jesus even when a hypocrite uses it. *FOLLOW THE FRUITS*  By their fruits, you shall know them.

The dangerous side of Jesus will frustrate the spirit of religion that wants us to “look free” instead of actually being free.

Remember Jesus didn’t die to give us a Religion. A Religion is man-made. He died to restore our daily relationship with God with the help of the Holy Spirit.


*2 Marks of Cults are:*

1. The Demand for Unquestionable Loyalty.

2. The label of a covenant breaker if you ever separate.

And whenever you encounter those two things, you have encountered a Cult. A lot of our so-called Denominational Churches are actually Cults.

And there are so many *Christian Cults.* Some of you are entangled in them. *I WILL SAY TO YOU TODAY HAVE THE GUTS TO GET OUT*

Do NOT remain a slave the rest of your life. JESUS HAS SET YOU FREE, SO REMAIN FREE. God has given us freedom to choose right or wrong.


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Jesus never said we should attend church every Sunday to see the kingdom of God. He said except a man is Born Again, he CANNOT see the kingdom of God.

Do NOT be manipulated by *guilt or fear.*

Become The Church (Body Of Christ) by Repentance and Becoming Born Again. *Ephesians 2:19-21.* That is God’s Church. *HIS SPIRIT LIVES INSIDE OF US, NOT IN ANY CHURCH BUILDING.*

Strive for *Holiness and Righteousness* through the understanding of the word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. *A LIFE OF PURITY*

*CONFORMITY* is doing what everyone else is doing regardless of what is right, while *BIBLICAL OBEDIENCE* is doing what is right regardless of what everyone is doing.

*God’s Church is NOT in trouble, Man’s Church is the one in trouble.* THERE IS UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST AS WE ARE LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT while the Devil wants *Division and Confusion* as seen in Denominational Churches led by pastors that graduated from Pastoral Schools without actually being Born Again themselves, *lacking the Holy Spirit.*

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*Have A Fabulous Day*


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