Breaking Generational Curses, Altars and Witchcraft


Breaking Generational Curses, Altars and Witchcraft

“Witchcraft” means the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others. It involves casting of Spells.

In the spiritual battles we face daily, christ has power over all our enemies. The word of God is your sword.


A “Generational curse describes the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past, and a consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down.”

Exodus 20:5-6 You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.

Examples of Generational Curses are Violence, Idolatry, illnesses,  and bad habits.



*An altar is a place of sacrifice and a power point to draw spiritual and supernatural strength (Genesis 8:20-21). Altars are places of separation where we separate ourselves to God and separate from curses and generational traits.*


Deut. 12. [3] And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.


Evil altars are believed to be powerful centers of negative energy that can obstruct progress and bring about disease, poverty, destruction, and death. When an evil altar appears in your life, it can have a variety of negative effects, such as delayed blessings, recurrent illness, irrational behavior, suicidal thoughts, unusual losses, strange discouragement.


Hit specific Prayer points when you pray. Know precisely what you’re praying against. You have the power to bind, render powerless in your life, you have the power to break them and make them null and void in Jesus Name.

Often, we pray without knowing what we are praying for or against because we don’t understand the spiritual world. But as you get closer to God, the Holy Spirit reveals things, and you start understanding how it all works.

These spirits have *names and assignments. IF YOU DONT KNOW THEM BY NAMES, THEN CALL THEM BY THEIR ASSIGNMENT. THAT IS WHAT THEY DO, such as depression, anxiety, perversion, etc.

There are spirits behind these things, and they need access points such as *Generational Curses, Altars, or witchcraft*

Once you understand this, you know what to pray against. *BREAK THOSE SPIRITS BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS.* Renounce any ungodly covenants and soul ties.


There are people out there trying to steal your destiny and finances through witchcraft. *YOU HAVE THE POWER IN CHRIST TO GET IT BACK*

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Many people accept their lives without realising what’s going on. The Devil is busy, but we need to get busy too.

People get stuck in circles because the devil has an assignment to keep them there. *HE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW YOUR PURPOSE AND HAVE BLESSINGS*

Once you identify the spirits and their assignments, then they can’t hide. Call them out and they must flee in Jesus Name. *TAKE BACK WHAT WAS STOLEN*


When you have a personal relationship with God, he will show you your strengths and weaknesses. *GOD KNOWS HOW MANY HAIRS YOU HAVE ON YOUR HEAD YOUR PASTOR OR CHURCH LEADERS DON’T*


So get closer to God through Jesus by Repentance and Salvation, receiving the Holy Spirit to teach you and guide you towards Holiness and Righteousness in Christ.


He teaches the things that we did not even know that we are good at. *HE KNOWS US MORE THAN WE KNOW OURSELVES.* He is the manufacturer.


The only way you’re going to figure out your hidden talent and multiple talents is by getting closer to God. *THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD START A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD BECOMING BORN AGAIN.*


Enjoy Your Day.


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