God’s Blessings For Us | Season 1, Episode 41 Of An Experience With Jesus.

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God’s Blessings For Us | Season 1, Episode 41 Of An Experience With Jesus.

God’s blessings come through *Obedience, Sacrifice, and According to his will.*

There are also principles that have blessings attached to them, like when you “reap what you sow.” Or “Give and you shall receive” *THIS APPLIES TO BOTH BELIEVERS AND UNBELIEVERS*

1. *Obedience to his word.*

Do not expect or claim the blessings for the righteous when you refuse to REPENT and become righteous. God sees your heart, not just your outward appearance.

Read Joshua 1:8 says “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”


*2. Sacrifice*

Sacrifice may include giving to the needy such as orphans, widows, less privilege, etc. However you CANNOT BUY A MIRACLE. God’s plan doesn’t need your money to come to pass. Your money won’t change his will.


You should also sacrifice your TIME to do God’s will, study his word, share his love, pray, fast, praise, and worship him regularly.


*3. God’s Will*

According to his will refers to his perfect timing in every area of your life.

It may not come in the way you want it or the time you want it. *YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT*


You *cannot* pay a specific amount of money at the request of a so-called minister or man of God to obtain God’s favor or blessings. *ONLY A NATIVE DOCTOR, JUJU OR DEVIL AGENT DOES THIS.*


We feel so empowered when we begin to “name it” and “claim it”, decree and declare. If we are decreeing and declaring things that go against the will of God, *IT ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN*!


In God’s timing, your Breakthrough will come. *DO NOT BE MISLED!* Trust and Obey him in the meantime, targeting *Holiness and Righteousness* in Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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*Quick success builds your Ego while Slow success builds your Character.*


SUCCESS in the kingdom of God is NOT measured by your bank account, but by the depth of your alignment to HIS WILL.


God will not bless a mess, *there’s work to be done within you* … repent, clean up your soul of the demons, and then begin the new life in Christ. Ask Jesus for help. *YOU CANNOT DO IT ON YOUR OWN.* You need the Holy Spirit.


Your Soul = Your Mind + Your Will + Your Emotions

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*Have A Wonderful Day*


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