God’s Greatness On Display


God’s Greatness On Display

God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. His words roll out galaxies.

His eyes see the beginning and end—all in one view. His hands hold both the universe and our broken hearts.

The Lord is ancient. His strength remains from everlasting to everlasting.

His power can control the minds of kings and change our circumstances in the blink of an eye. Yet, He often doesn’t. Instead, God waits.

He chooses our fellowship over our comfort. 

He gently and persistently draws us to Himself.

He calls in the early morning hours. His cry grows louder in our hearts and minds until we’re drawn to His call.

Our hearts connect with the movement of His Spirit until we’re in His presence. And God never disappoints.




How God Shows Off

Once God has our undivided attention, He shows off. And when He shows off, we see God’s greatness on display.


You don’t think God ever shows off?


Pharaoh challenged God to a duel on the Nile River. Ten strikes from our Father brought Egypt to its knees, Israel to freedom, and glory to God (Ex 7–10).


Job and his friends thought they knew how God should manage creation.


God showed up in a whirlwind and said, “I’ll ask the questions. Where were you when I hung the moon and named the stars? Where were you when I drew the boundary for the ocean?”


When God finished speaking, Job knew he’d overstepped his boundaries (Jb 38–39).



When God Shows Up

God also shows up when the odds are stacked against His children. And when He shows up, we see God’s greatness on display.


Consider Moses trapped at the Red Sea, Joshua walking in circles around Jericho, or David slinging rocks at a nine-foot-tall giant.


Think about the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years. Consider the lame man who lay by the pool for 38 years, or Lazarus, who spent four days wrapped in the darkness of death.


Ask any person bound by sin and buried in shame. One whose life felt hopeless and helpless until the moment God showed up—and changed everything.



God’s Grace on Display

God’s greatness on display is a demonstration of His grace.


God is more than enough in any situation. The measure of His grace is more than the greatest mathematician could count.


The greater the need, the greater our Father’s grace.


All we can do is stand in awe and grapple for words to express our gratitude.


In Isaiah 40:31 HCSB, God promises that “those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.”


While you and I don’t desire the challenges life brings, we know they will come. But, along with our trials, we can expect God will amaze us when He shows up.





Enjoy Your Day 😉


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