Has God Called Us Just To Attend CHURCH On Sundays? NO – HE WANTS US TO BECOME THE CHURCH.

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Has God Called Us Just To Attend CHURCH On Sundays? NO – HE WANTS US TO BECOME THE CHURCH.

God has NOT called us just to GO TO CHURCH every Sunday, he wants us to BECOME THE CHURCH every single day, 7 days a week.
*Ephesians 2: 19-21*



1. Ask God to make you a voice of encouragement to the discouraged.
2. Speak TRUTH in a World of deception
3. Live Justly, Walk Humbly, Love, be Merciful.
4. Be a friend to someone who is lonely.
5. Live with INTEGRITY.
6. Be a voice of HOPE to the hurting.
7. Practice Irrational Generosity
8. Be a POSITIVE presence in a Negative world.
9. Show the LOVE OF JESUS to someone who has lost hope.
10. CHOOSE to do THE RIGHT THING even when is difficult.

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Whether you’re a Doctor, a Teacher, a Student, a Receptionist, a Lawyer, a stay at Home parent, working 3 Jobs or working just 1 job, *WE ARE ALL CALLED TO MINISTRY.* To Evangelism.


The Holy Spirit empowers us for ministry and living the kind of life God wants for us. ACCEPT JESUS TODAY AND BE BORN AGAIN AND LET HIS SPIRIT GUIDE YOU.


You CANNOT do it on your own. Church Attendance/Religious knowledge won’t get you into Heaven, it would only baptise you with water.


You need the 2nd baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire.The SPIRITUAL BAPTISM. You need to *become the Church* which is the “Body Of Christ”. *BE BORN AGAIN.*


Church Attendance where the True Gospel of *Repentance leading to Salvation and The Kingdom Of God* is preached is encouraged.

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Our target is *Holiness and Righteousness* through our Lord Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. Be careful of Fake gospels such as the Prosperity Gospel, Materialism, Universalism etc.


People always say *Motivation* doesn’t last long, so does *Bathing* ! That’s why we recommend it daily So visit the PME Blog daily via our Websites for motivation and support in your Christian Journey.


Tell a friend … to tell a friend … so they could Tell their friends


Have A Wonderful Day


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