Only God Knows | Season 1, Episode 25 Of -An Experience With Jesus


Only God Knows | Season 1, Episode 25 Of -An Experience With Jesus

Every one of us has Weaknesses only God knows about and we may know about them aswell.


There are weaknesses in our life nobody knows, not even our wives or husbands, children, etc.



When you stay in the presence of God those weaknesses are under control. When you’re in the presence of Jesus that weakness has nowhere to go. It is held back and submitted.


If you DONT spend time *daily* in the presence of God those weaknesses are loose and the Anointing that comes on you will stir them up again.


*THAT IS THE DANGER!* This is why the greatest men have fallen after the greatest moments.

*Fornication* and *Adultery* are some of these weaknesses. If she’s *NOT YOUR WIFE* or you don’t see her becoming your wife then *LEAVE HER ALONE.*


Don’t waste her time or yours! *Casual Sex* transmits *STD’s* – *Sexually Transmitted Demons* and not just *Sexually Transmitted Diseases* If either of you has an unclean spirit the other person will pick it up.


What you sow you will reap! *IT IS NOT A GAME.* Control your Lusts. There’s gonna be Worldly people laughing at you for staying away from casual sex. *IGNORE THEM*


Your body is a living temple of God and should be kept Holy because his Spirit resides in YOU! God *Doesn’t Dwell* in places or buildings built with human hands but *Inside Of Us!*


It is unorthodox to say these things these days. To say *”wait until marriage“, “retain your seed“* etc now sounds strange due to the society we now live in.


But we are NOT of this world even though we live in The World. We follow the teachings of the Bible.

*We choose the Jesus way!*


We choose to be *Pure and Holy* revealing the *Righteousness* and *Character* of our lord Jesus in *Thought, Word, and Deed.*


*Manipulation* is a form of *Witchcraft!* Your so-called friends may call your crazy, laugh at you etc. But it takes a strong man to deny himself daily and not give in to what his flesh desires.


Pray and ask God for the strength to overcome the desires and lusts of the flesh. *SURRENDER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT* Let the Transformation start from inside out.



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