Protecting Your Household | Season 1, Episode 29 Of -An Experience With Jesus

*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury" to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Protecting Your Household | Season 1, Episode 29 Of -An Experience With Jesus

Here are 7 ways to protect your household from demons.

*1. Pray Regularly*

Prayer is the most powerful weapon against spiritual evil. When we pray we invite God into our homes and lives seeking his protection and guidance.


*2. Keep your home clean and tidy*

Demons are often drawn to dirty and disorderly places. Maintaining a clean and organised home can create an environment less attractive to negative spiritual influences.


*3. Read The Bible*

The Bible is God’s word containing *Powerful Truths* that help us face demons and evil spirits. Reading the Bible helps us more to understand God and his character. Aswell as strategies to overcome the enemy.


*4. Avoid listening to music with demonic or supernatural themes.*

Demons can use music to influence your thoughts and emotions. Choose music with positive themes that align with your spiritual beliefs.


*5. Avoid watching violent or disturbing movies and TV shows*

Demons can use such content to infiltrate your mind and your homes. Opt for educational and positive content rather than negative influences.


*6. Obey God’s Commands.*

Obedience to God’s command demonstrates *Love* and *Trust* in him. This places you in a position to receive his *blessings* and *protection.*


*7. Fill your home with the Holy Spirit*

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity is as powerful as God the Father, and God the Son! Inviting the Holy Spirit into your home is an invitation for his protection against all forms of evil.



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