PURPOSE fixes PROBLEMS: Season 1, Episode 10 Of -An Experience With Jesus


PURPOSE fixes PROBLEMS: Season 1, Episode 10 Of -An Experience With Jesus

*Purpose* fixes *Problems*

The purpose of *Light* is to fix a *Darkness* problem

The purpose of *Glasses* is to fix a *Sight* problem


Purpose is when God looks into the future and sees where you would come from, who your family would be, and sees a *Problem* . So he forms *YOU* with a *problem-solving* Anointing.


God knew we would be born … and for us it’s a *Birthday* but for the Kingdom it’s a *Problem Solving Day* That’s why the Devil attacks us while we are young because a problem solver has been born!


Anybody who feels that he is under so much *Warfare* should know that maybe in his *Bloodline* there has been a *problem or Generational Curse* that needs to be broken!


Mama couldn’t fix it, Daddy couldn’t fix it, Grandfather was deceived by “Tradition” and couldn’t fix it but in the name of Jesus *WE DESTROY EVERY GENERATIONAL CURSE!* That’s my purpose.



The Lord wants your attention. In worship our gaze needs to be upon the master on the *Throne*


During worship it is important to *CLOSE YOUR EYES.* To shutout distractions of the world and focus on him. So YOU CAN SEE HIM.


*Worship* is NOT a time to play with your Phone or Watch other people dancing or moving about.


Learn to close your eyes and focus on God.





Reading the word of God is like sitting down for a fine meal. You wanna take your time with it.


When you read the word of God don’t rush it! Bible reading plans for example are good but if you read for the words, just to check it off your list and if you don’t take the time to meditate on the word, you’re going through the motions of Devotion but not receiving the full power of it.


So, instead of focusing on the statistics of your Bible reading, focus on on the *Purpose*


Don’t read it to complete a task, read it to fellowship with the Lord. *HIS WORD ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE* (John 6:63).


Better to read one chapter and understand it, receive it, and live it. Than to read 10 chapters and not think once about what you read.


*Meditation is Repetition in thought, Pondering.*

If reading the word is eating the word, then meditation is digestion which allows you to receive all of the spiritual nutrients.


*Joshua 1 vs 8* says “Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, but *meditate* on it *day and night* and be *careful to do* whatever is written in it, then you shall have *Prosperity* and *Good success* ”




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Enjoy Your Day 😉


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