Temptation is NOT an event, its a PROCESS


Temptation is NOT an event, its a PROCESS

Many times we fall into Temptation on a Saturday because all week long from Monday to Friday we have been looking at the wrong things or thinking in the wrong way.


When Christians compromise and fail to stand for Righteousness it may lead to falling for Temptation.


They think they can handle a conversation not just with the devil but with self, sin and desire.

*If you have an issue of the flesh, why are you giving the opportunity to that flesh to fulfill its cravens and desires?*


For example, if you have a drinking problem then why are you going to the bar or club or party where there is gonna be alot of alcohol?


When you put yourself in moments of Temptation, when you put yourself in compromising situations you are risking a debate with the devil. A DEBATE YOU WILL LOOSE EVERYTIME.


In the Lord’s prayer, we say “Lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from evil”. If you don’t want to face temptations then AVOID the journey that leads to Temptation.


Follow the road to Righteousness and Holiness in your thoughts, words and actions. *Follow The Jesus Way!*

The Devil is crafty, the devil knows human nature and demonic powers have been around for thousands of years and know how we work Emotionally, Physically, and Mentally.


In Every single way they have studied and know us humans and are trained assasins who have one goal in mind and that is your destruction.


And they do this when you, by you own fleshly desires are carried away and they present to you these things that your sinful nature craves.




If sin is a product then devil’s are trying to sell it to you. We think that because we are giving into it slowly then we are not doing it willingly.


Just because you give into Temptation slowly does not mean you’re giving in to Temptation willingly. *TEMPTATION IS NOT AN EVENT, ITS A PROCESS.*


Far too many Christians are asking “How close can I get to that line without falling into sin? Instead of saying “How far should I be from that line so I can focus on Jesus?”



Have A Fabulous Day.


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