What does Church really mean? THE BODY OF CHRIST


What does Church really mean? THE BODY OF CHRIST

There are so many Denominations of churches, with so many gospels such as the Prosperity Gospel, Universalism, etc but God is NOT interested in your Denomination. I would like to call this “Man’s Church“.


God wants a daily personal Relationship with you through Jesus Christ.

We are called to Belong to the “Body Of Christ” which is God’s idea of a *Church*, preaching and teaching the True Gospel of *Repentance, Salvation and The Kingdom Of God* through Jesus Christ our Lord.


We are called to follow the narrow path that leads to Life!

To shine brightly for Christ in this dark world.

To possess the very character of Jesus in Thought, Word and Deed.


There is unity in the Body of Christ. In Christ we are One, One God, One Holy Spirit, One Baptism. One tree, many branches. Jesus is the chief Cornerstone, we are the living stones whiles the Foundations are made up of the Apostles and Prophets.

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The Devil wants Division as seen in the various Denominations of “Man’s Churches” but the Holy Spirit wants unity in the Body Of Christ. So whatever Denomination you claim to be, make sure it leads you to becoming a member of the Body Of Christ which is God’s  Church.


God is a spirit. Spirits do not have bodies put possess other bodies to use for their purpose. That means if we become the Body Of Christ, we surrender ourselves to be used to the Glory of God in every way.


Our eyes become his eyes, so we only watch thing that glorify him NOT Pornography etc. Our ears become his ears so we only listen to Music and conversations that glorify him. Not music from our so called celebrities that glorify drugs, sex, fraud, and immorality. Our legs are his, so we only go to places that glorify him. Not Nightclubs, native doctor shrines etc.


We can achieve this by being Born Again. That is being baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire! Old things are not passed away. We are now dead to the lusts of the flesh, but have a new everlasting life in our Lord Jesus Christ.


Man’s Church baptises with water but to be Born Again you need the second baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. But first you must Repent. Seeking God genuinely, and you WILL FIND HIM WITHIN YOUR HEART.  YOU MUST INVITE HIM AND SURRENDER TO HIM. ACCEPTING JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR.


The Body of Christ is a Spiritual Church … NOT A physical building. That means whether you’re in China, USA, London Nigeria we are all members of the same One Church. We attend daily, 7 days a week through praise and worship, prayers, thanksgiving and obedience to the Jesus will and way. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit. The temple of the Living God. Ephesians 2:19-21

Since its Spiritual We offer sacrifices of Praise and Worship, prayers, and Thanksgiving NOT Physical gifts or monies etc. WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. MATTHEW Chapter 5.

You can help your neighbours or those in need with your physical gifts as God loves a cheerful giver. But these gifts CANNOT replace REPENTANCE AND OBEDIENCE.


He wants your Obedience. *OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE* Always put God first and target for *Holiness and Righteousness,* revealing the Character of Jesus Christ as seen in the Bible.


Man’s Church may get you closer to the pastor because you give him huge tithes and offerings. But God’s Church with get you closer to the character and person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our politicians as an example are very close to their Pastors but very far from Jesus Christ.


When you pray, please pray to God Almighty through Jesus Christ. Not through Mary, the Universe, Angels etc. JESUS IS NOT AN OPTION, JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER.

Abundance In Christ

Some people say they are honouring Mary when they pray to her. Ask them How many times Jesus him prayed to his own mother Mary, the answer is none. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. NO MORE IDOLATRY. 


Anything you try to use to replace God in your life is an Idol. Leading to IDOLATRY.  Could be money, success, Women, drugs, other gods, fame etc. Even Mary as in the case of people that pray the “Hail Mary” prayer. Always PUT GOD FIRST.


People always say *Motivation* doesn’t last long, so does *Bathing* ! That’s why we recommend it daily So visit the PME Blog daily via our Websites for motivation and support in your Christian Journey.


Tell a friend … to tell a friend … so they could Tell their friends.



*Have A Great Day*


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