Wisdom, Knowledge & Understand | Season 1 Episode 30 Of -An Experience With Jesus


Wisdom, Knowledge & Understand | Season 1 Episode 30 Of -An Experience With Jesus

Wisdom is needed to have an Understanding. The Bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”


There are Medications in the Hospitals and Decoys in the Churches (Man’s denominational church, not the Body of Christ) designed to make the believer doubt themselves and believe they have a *Mental Illness*


These hidden things going on behind the scenes are meant to keep God’s children stagnant and stuck. They want you to think you are mentally ill when it’s really *Spiritual Gifts* that they have.


If you don’t know who you’re in Christ, then the devil will try to use people or the society and situations to manipulate you into thinking you’re someone else. This could even include *Fame and Fortune*.


It may even look like progress physically while destroying the divine plan for your life. All because the believer is unalert and unaware of how to utilise his Spiritual Gifts while using Discernment.


This is a season where alot of God’s children are receiving Revelation and because of this they are able to be stronger, wiser, and more able to utilise their Gifts.


*Your Character is going to be tested in 3 ways.*


If the building’s foundation is unstable from the start, what’s built upon it may eventually topple.


If the structure and foundation are sound, the building is described as *”Strong”, “Intact” or having “Structural Integrity.”*


In the same way you are said to have integrity of character *when your Character is strong enough to withstand exterior forces.*



*Test # 1. Pleasure.*


Does what you believe overpower what you crave?


Do your beliefs and morals serve as a kept standard even when you’re tempted with something that violates them?



*Test # 2. Pressure.*


Do you hold fast to and Boldly declare what you believe even when others are pressuring you to do otherwise?


Does the structure of your Intergrity hold up against criticism, mockery, rejection and gossip?



*Test # 3. Privacy.*


Do you keep right Standards even when there are seemingly no consequences for abandoning them?


Does your private life reflect your public beliefs?

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Do you have a desire to study the Bible?

How can you *Think and Act* like *Christ* if you don’t study your Bible?


If you wanna change *Combine* God’s Power (through Prayer), God’s Word(The Bible), God’s Holy Spirit (You Need the spirit to understand the Bible), plus *Obedience*


What is the result? *TRANSFORMATION*


Have you ever wished to better understand the Bible? Then Pray before studying the Bible asking the Holy Spirit to minister unto you and grant you understanding.



You need the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. Also pray to be a hearer and doer of the word. The “good news” that Jesus Christ brought has tremendous effectiveness in the lives of its hearers – if they believe it.

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