*CIC01: <<World Premiere
Celebrity In Christ>>*
*TOPIC* : Are You The Light Of The World OR Gift Of The World?
Jesus didn’t say, “You’re the gift of the world,” HE said, “You’re the light of the world.” *YOUR GIFT ISN’T ABOUT SHOWCASING YOUR ABILITIES, IT’S ABOUT REVEALING HIS GLORY*
Every time you use your gifts with *excellence and humility* , you’re letting his light shine through you. *SO START TODAY*
Invest time with the one who gave you those gifts, study his word, practice your craft, and serve faithfully.
Let every use of your gift be a deliberate act of worship knowing that you’re not just using a talent. You’re stewarding a divine deposit *FOR HIS GLORY.*
Every gift you have is meant to reflect God’s glory, *NOT BUILD YOUR OWN KINGDOM.* Just as Stars don’t Shine to bring attention to themselves but to light up the dark night sky.
Your gifts aren’t meant for *Entertainment or Self-promotion.* They are meant to illuminate God’s greatness in a dark world.
Remember this, when you step out to use your gift, you’re not stepping out alone. The same God who deposited that gift within you stands ready to empower you.
Your gift isn’t about you. It’s about God’s glory being revealed through you.
Your limitations aren’t obstacles to God. They are opportunities for his power to be displayed even more clearly through your life.
*These 3 signs work together like a divine confirmation:*
1. The ENEMY’S opposition reveals what threatens his Kingdom.
2. Your inner burning pushes YOU through that resistance.
3. God’s supernatural results proves that it’s HIS GIFTS AT WORK.
*James 1 vs 17* reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from above. *YOUR GIFT ISNT JUST YOUR TALENT. IT’S A DIVINE DEPOSIT FROM THE FATHER OF LIGHTS*
*Celebrity In Christ*
A Breathtaking Gospel Series by the PME Party Planner (GOSPEL EDITION)
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