CIC06: PRAYER | 2ND OF 3 Disciplines to Spark Spiritual Awakening

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CIC06: PRAYER | 2ND OF 3 Disciplines to Spark Spiritual Awakening


TOPIC: *PRAYER* | *2ND OF 3 Disciplines to Spark Spiritual Awakening*


Prayer is the most fundamental of all spiritual disciplines because it is our way of communing with God.

If prayer is neglected, we will be doing everything in our own strength, apart from God. Overtime, we will surely notice the effects of this isolation.


The 3 Spiritual Disciplines are Meditation, Fasting and Prayer.


Put God FIRST, and you will never be LAST. Prayer could be both SPONTANEOUS and INTENTIONAL. An example of Intentional prayer is your morning devotion, where you kneel, close your eyes, etc, and deeply focus.


Spontaneous prayer is less organised. You could be driving and praying, washing clothes or cooking and praying, etc. *REMEMBER: THE SCRIPTURES SAY WE SHOULD PRAY WITHOUT CEASING*


Satan loves the absence of prayer. Christians striving to operate in their own strength, relying on their own idea of God is exactly what the enemy wants.

From this place, Christians exist in a state of brokenness and insecurity, effectively neutralizing any efforts to grow.

*Forms of prayer.*

Here are four basic elements of Christian prayer:

(1) Prayer of Adoration/Blessing,
(2) Prayer of Contrition/Repentance,
(3) Prayer of Thanksgiving/Gratitude, and
(4) Prayer of Supplication/Petition/Intercession.

Choose Yours!


*3 Destructive Prayer Habits* 

1. Impure motives (such as greed, pride, envy, etc)

2. Insincere repetitions (vain repetitions) Matthew 6:7-8.

3. Doubt (limiting beliefs about God’s ability or power)


Prayer is the process of coming before God in authenticity and openness, seeking forgiveness and love.


Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives.

Enjoy Your Day

*The Power Of Praying God’s Word*

This is where the real power is. When you begin to align yourself in prayer with the will of God. Many of us are praying our will simply because we do not know God’s will.


You can pray for what God promised.

You can pray to WAR IN THE SPIRIT. Ephesians 6:10-12.

You can pray SAFETY for your loved ones. 2 Corinthians 1:11.

You can pray for the SALVATION OF YOUR UNSAVED loved ones. Romans 10:1

You can pray for the WELL BEING OF CITIES. Jeremiah 29:7

You can pray for the FAITH OF OTHERS TO BE STRENGTHEND. Luke 22:32.

You can pray for LEADER’S AND PEOPLE IN POSITION OF AUTHORITY. 1 Timothy 2:2-3.

Whatever the Word Of God promises, you can pray for.

*Praying God’s word is praying God’s will.*

When you pray God’s will, you are aligning yourself with the ultimate power. When you pray God’s Will, you are coming into agreement with that which * CAN NOT BE STOPPED*


Often as Believers, we picture that prayer is getting God to do what we want. *BUT THAT WOULD MAKE US THE LORD AND HIM THE SERVANT AND THAT’S NOT THE WAY IT IS AT ALL.*


We MUST understand that *HE IS THE LORD, AND WE ARE THE SERVANTS*. Hence, we pray, “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”


Visualise the will of God like a river. *This river has a certain flow and direction to it* GOD’S WILL IS SET IN ORDER. You can not change it!


God has desires, intentions, God has a plan regarding your life and his church, and that river is flowing now.


Many believers are trying to change the flow of that river. *THEY ARE TRYING TO SPEED UP OR SLOW IT DOWN*


Some believers want a little bit of the will of God in their lives. *ENOUGH TO BLESS THEM, BUT NEVER ENOUGH TO INCONVENIENCE THEM*

Enough to give them breakthroughs in the areas where they need Miracles, but never enough to call them to be disciples, carry their cross and *GIVE UP THAT WHICH THEY DESIRE FOR THAT WHICH GOD DESIRES*


Instead of getting into the river, many Christians simply sip from the river.


But when it comes to that which costs them, when it comes to the will of God regarding carrying our crosses, they say “Lord, I’ll just sip from the river enough to be refreshed, but not enough to be overcome.”



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_*Tell a friend … to tell a friend … so they could Tell their friends*_
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*Have A Fabulous Day*


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